Monday, October 29, 2007
A clarification
Saved by Christ!!!
However, it has been my recent experience to find just the opposite to be true. In the course of the past months, I have seen and heard much aninmosity and unfair judgment on the part of ministers and parshioners from other brands regarding Baptist (of which I consider myself to be one doctrinally). For the record, those who subscribe to "no brand" are a "brand" by definition.
With that said, I just wanted to say that my heart breaks for the division that I see in the body of Christ. From my standpoint, at least its not as bad as Zwingli or Luther giving the nod to the persecution and death of thousands the Anabaptist, during the post reformation period, but I still can't imagine that it greives the heart of God any less. Every week it seems I grow a little more shocked at the criticisms drawn by those that would give the appearance that they have a handle on "true" spirituality" but are completely blind to their own judgmentalism. They are true isolationist working contrary to the purposes of Christ's grace and blinded by their own religiosity. I pray for their salvation which they endlessly work so hard to attain, but never come to terms with. Like blind guides they lead others to their same form of desperate uncertainty and isolationism.
Today I am worshipping God for my salvation. I am indescribably grateful and humbled that Christ paid the price for me once and for all. I am confident of the sufficiency of His work on my behalf, and I peacefully rest in the truth that I can add nothing to it by my works.
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