Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Praise Habit

I just finished David Crowder's book, Praise Habit. He is an excellent writer and has a great sense of humor. His encounter with Richard Simmons at LAX had Cherie and I rolling! There is a lot of spiritual depth in this book and a challenge to bring "rescue" in a real way in a real world. It is definitely worth the read!


Anonymous said...

Is it large print? Are there any pictures? Where can I get it?

Anonymous said...

I promise to make a puddin' and have you and the girls over.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back you blogger you!! I tried to leave a comment on the Galoneda site, but it said that it wouldn't accept comments from "anonymous" people. Is that what I am?!!! :) :)

Keep writing! I long to be inspired!!


Buddy said...

Rhonda...I am going to hold you to that banana pudding promise. If you would like to read it...I'll bring it to you.

Buddy said...

Julie...I have come to the hard conclusion that I simply can not keep up two blogs...I stink at keeping up just one, so I am thinking that I will just add Galoneda updates to this. What do you think?

In response to your other question, eventually we all become "anonymous". From anonymity we come...and to it we return. Only the Lord really knows and remembers our name forever. It appears it is just happening to you a little quicker than the rest of us. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ok....just because I can't remember my own name doesn't mean that I am anonymous to others ! :)