Wednesday, February 27, 2008

God's prize

Larry Norman was responsible for the first Christian rock album. For
years he was spurned by the mainstream christian music scene and
record lablels. However he stood by his convictions and was eventually
recognized for his unprecedented contribution to Christian music. His
motives were conveyed in the title of one of his better known songs,
"Why should the devil have all the good music?" I remember the first
time I heard it.

Larry went home to be with the Lord this week. I was listening
to the radio and the announcer stated that the day before his death he
told friends, "I feel like the prize in a box of Cracker Jacks and I
sense the hand of God reaching down to pick me up."

I thought that statement was so beautiful, especially coming from a
man who experienced the "cold shoulder" for so many years from the mainstream Christian movement because he stood for his convictions and then battled ongoing physical illness toward the end.

It made me stop and think about myself and my relationship to the Father. Do I feel like the prize in God's box of Cracker Jacks? Do you?

Sent from my iPhone


Cherie said...

il.comI would never describe myself as any-one's prize, especially not God's. I DO consider God the prize and I am blessed beyond words to have any of His attention or concern. I won't judge Larry's statement thought, because I don't know him or in what context this statement was made. One thing that I do know is that God paid a GREAT price to have us...sometimes when I look at me (and you :) I'm not sure why He did it, but I am so grateful He did!
God gave His perfect and precious Son, to save me, an unworthy, filthy, enemy of God.

Buddy said...

I think this is really a commentary on the incredible graciousness of God and not the condition of the objects of His affection.

Cherie said...

I got it, I got it :)!!! I was thinking about the quote this morning and it totally clicked! YES, that's me...a Cracker Jacks prize! How poetic. Beautiful!
Sorry that it took me so long to understand. (Hey, I am blonde. But I got it all by myself and you didn't have to explain. It just took me a while.)
I love it! I'm God's Cracker Jack prize! YES!

Michael Cooper said...

my question is ....does the devil have all the good music?

Buddy said...

Way before you were you born he had some. Not anymore :)

Mike said...

WOW Cherie, you kinda blew that one...LOL

Anonymous said...

I read his bio. It said, "He discovered Randy Stonehill and Keith Green, even before they had become Christians, and helped lead them to conversion." Pretty cool testimony. It sounds like he earnestly attempted to minister to others, even though surrounded in controversy about his style of music.

I'm not sure how I feel about the term, "Christian Rock", though. I like all kinds of music styles, but it does seem that we dilute the message when add the word "Christian" to the front of something else.

Seems like the term "Christian" should be primary, and not the alternative.