Saturday, July 14, 2007

Breaks Over!

I spent the last week in Corpus Christi: reading, fishing, smoldering, eating seafood and spending money (not necessarily in that order :0) But I had a great time! Now here it is...Saturday night...and I am rushing to get things ready for Sunday...followed by the old "Monday as usual" routine...and now all of the sudden the past few days seem like such a blur .

Vacations seem fleeting, but then again I guess that is true of all of our days, isn't it? I thought about that as I was watching wave after wave roll in one morning, while strolling down the beach with my, now, 11 year old daughter. In her case, it seems I've blinked once and she is 11...I'll blink again and she'll be gone.

The endless waves remind me of one day after another that comes to us while the Lord gives us breath, to do whatever we can to make a little splash for His glory. I'm glad He has given me the ability to make a tiny splash for Him, whether its preparing for Sunday, working at my job, or making a memory with my 11 year old daughter during a morning walk. What a privilege to be in Christ and to have the opportunity to live my days for Him.


Anonymous said...


It is a blessing to spend time with the children God has given you. Like you, I blinked, and now I'm a grandfather. That's when I realized how God continues to bless us as we continue to grow older. He repeately reveals His glory if we just open our eyes and see His handiwork. Thanks for sharing God from a heart that belongs to Him.

Buddy said...


I sure appreciate your post. You have a beautiful grandbaby. I pray I am able to do even half as well rearing my children with a Godly example as you have yours.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the compliment about my children and grandbaby. We are soooo blessed of God. The more I open my heart to Him, the more love He instills. It's absolutely amazing. As far as you raising your girls, you are already there, brother. You have three beautiful girls that shine forth the love of God in a wonderful way. I don't think I will ever be able to forget the angelic face of Laurel a couple of years ago when she sang "Staw of Beflehem" in the Christmas program at church. Besides being cute, she glorified God in a mighty way. All of your girls do, Cherie included. Stay the course, as I know you will, and you will be hard pressed to find the space to hold all the blessings God will pour out on you through them.

Cherie said...

It warms my heart when I see you spend time with the girls. I get as much joy out of seeing you interact with them, as I do having you spend time with me. I know that one of Laurel's fun memories will be the night that you played crazy eights with her.
They are growing up so very fast and will be gone before we know it. Sniff, sniff.
Thank you for making time for the important crazy eights and morning walks on the beach!! I love you.